What Professional/Askanim/Rabbanim say

Rabbi Tuvia Lieff

Rabbi Lieff has just given his haskama to the the organization called Broken Ties – a support group for alienated parents and grandparents. Kol Hakovod to Rabbi Lieff!

Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro says:
“nothing justifies alienation!” He is willing to speak to the community. Thank you Rabbi Shapiro.

Rabbi YY Jacobson says:
I want to help in any way I can. He agreed to speak about it to the community!! Thank you Rabbi Jacobson.


Rabbi Noach Isaac Oelbaum says:
He will definitely do what he can to bring an awareness to the community. He strongly supports our group. Thank you Rabbi Oelbaum.


Dr. Sue Cornbluth says:
Parental Alienation is emotional abuse. This is about moving through your pain and healing from what is known as an ambiguous loss – [as the child] is still alive physically but you cannot get to them – yet they live on emotionally within you everyday.

Dr. Abraham Worenklein says:
It’s important the message of Parental Alienation gets out to the community.


Rav Dovid Cohen says:
Having a group such as Broken Ties and giving support to even one parent is worth it.


Amanda from AGA (Alienated Grandparents Anonymous, Inc) says:
Do not let FEAR guide you.

Dr Blumenthal says:

it’s a tragedy… must make an awareness in the community

Dr. Miriam Adahan says:

I’m so sorry for all this horrific pain. There is nothing worse than alienation.

Rabbi Paysach Krohn says:
He was shocked that therapists, especially Frum therapists, would encourage alienation.

Rabbi Charlie Harary says:
You are doing a wonderful Chesed by supporting each other

Dr. Richard Warshak (renown alienation expert):

Dear Ms. Weinfeld,

Thank you for your email and your invitation to speak with your group.

I would like to help. Unfortunately, for the next year or so I have to turn down such requests so that I can spend more time on my research and writing. My hope is to produce additional resources that will help alienated parents. So, for now, I hope you will let me take a rain check. I visited your website and see what excellent work you are doing. I fully expect to speak with your group in the future.

Also, I will keep you in mind if I have any pertinent announcements. For example, I may try to organize a Zoom presentation. If so, I will announce it on my website and Facebook page.


Richard A. Warshak, Ph. D.