In its basic form Parental Alienation is when children are manipulated by a third party to feel unsafe, unloved and unwanted by the targeted parent. The targeted parent is the parent that the alienator – the third party – is seeking to distance from the child. Sometimes there is absolutely no contact with the child and sometimes there is contact, however, there is much coldness and condescending behavior of the alienated child towards the targeted parent. Additionally alienated children will often blame parents for not understanding or respecting them. Read more…


Grandparental Alienation is often the tragic result of alienated children that will keep their children away from loving grandparents. I cannot imagine anything more tragic than for a person to reach their golden years, and all the anticipation of the rewards from a lifetime of giving, only to have them dashed by grandchildren they cannot connect to. Read more…


My friends tell me that it’s the generation. Children are no longer respectful. They grow up and forget to call their parents. They think highly of themselves and speak disdainfully to their parents. Does this constitute alienation? Not necessarily. Some children are by nature more detached. The main characteristic that would differentiate typical arrogance from alienation is if there is affection from the child to the parent that the child feels is reciprocated. Read more…


What is abuse?
Abuse is when an abuser plays into the mind of their victim to control their feelings and thoughts based on his wants. It has nothing to do with what his victim wants. It’s the act of moving into the victims personal territory and conditioning his own thoughts and feelings on his victim using various manipulative tactics. When played well these victims truly feel that the thoughts are their own. Read more…


Many woman experiencing alienation have commented that their therapists do not understand the manipulative tactics employed to skillfully and unsuspectingly slice them out of their children’s lives. Sadly many of these therapists have not been trained in the intricate components of gaslighting and emotional blackmail to comprehend what their client is describing. Read more…


I have attended a number of support groups over the years for alienated parents. The most notable aspect of these groups is the crushing grief thickening the air in the room. The mothers are there early not wanting to miss a moment of support and understanding that is so vital to their ability to withstand their pain. Yet, one by one as I looked around each woman was a live sunshine in her own right. Read more…


Today, no longer bewildered as to what has taken place, but aware that my children were alienated, where do I go from here? What can I do to make sure that no parent ever faces the pain of alienation. How can we protect children from suffering the loss of a loving parent? How can I once again reach out to my child and be seen as the loving and caring parent I am? Read more…


The Power of the Happy Cult

The huge question that lingers over all alienated parents is:

How Can I Reach my Child

After all, parents feel like they have been good, or even excellent parents, and know that once they explain the logistics to the child of how they were alienated they could re-establish their relationship. They know that the tales circulating about them being unloving or fearsome were fabricated. Read more…

Why doesn’t anyone believe me?

I fully understand the frustration of the alienated parent. True alienation is the act of a third party that has utilized calculated maneuvers to orchestrate your alienation for your children. It’s hard for people to believe something so raw in the behavior of a person they may respect. The calculated acts of alienating a parent are complex and truly difficult to believe. You may find it helpful to listen to the audio presented at the top left of our screen. Many listeners have claimed that those tactics were utilized in their experience as well. It will be helpful to you in gaining insight into that which has taken place in your life. It will also give you the structure from which to explain your own experience to others. Read more…

Is my child’s therapist responsible?

I write this topic reluctantly as many of my friends are therapists and I know them personally. They are extremely devoted to their clients. They care about people as a whole and truly try to keep all parties together – warmly and lovingly. Yet, the reality is that many alienated parents are howling that they were alienated from their children because of a connection to a therapist. Here’s my guess – and it’s purely whimsical. A client-therapist connection is intense. The therapeutic atmosphere in itself – of being heard emphatically for hours – can create a synonymous bond with the listener – the therapist. Therefore, although the therapist is well-meaning a child may transfer his or her allegiance to the therapist. This is simply because the therapist is patiently giving them the time of day non-judgmentally. The question then becomes are we stuck in a catch 22? Some children love to speak to therapists and others truly need it. How do we keep the client-therapist relationship from impinging on the loving parent-child relationship? I’d love to hear your thoughts.Read more…

What Professional/Askanim/Rabbanim say

Rabbi Tuvia Lieff Rabbi Lieff has just given his haskama to the the organization called Broken Ties – a support group for alienated parents and grandparents. Kol Hakovod to Rabbi Lieff! Rabbi Ephraim Shapiro says: “nothing justifies alienation!” He is willing to speak to the community. Thank you Rabbi Shapiro. Read more…

How our Rabbonim Can Help

Why we reach out to our Rabbonim when our children reject us?

From early on our children are raised that their leadership can be trusted. Therefore, as we find ourselves victims of false allegations that has destroyed our connection to our children we appeal to you to help undo this devastating damage. Read more…
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