The Power of the Happy Cult

The huge question that lingers over all alienated parents is:

How Can I Reach my Child

After all, parents feel like they have been good, or even excellent parents, and know that once they explain the logistics to the child of how they were alienated they could re-establish their relationship. They know that the tales circulating about them being unloving or fearsome were fabricated.

Why speaking to your alienated child will not work

Alienators use their charismatic personas to convince these children that a relationship with the targeted parent is toxic – and/or not in their best interests. They encourage them to maintain a distant – or if not possible – than to have a cold – barely friendly – connection. This cold/distant relationship is torture for a parent and they will try everything to reach their child.

Yet they will fail time and time again. Why?

What we have learned is that these children have been programmed to think they have every reason to be happy, to feel entitled, and/or to be provided various comforts. This will create a powerful image in the alienated child’s mind that will most likely clash with the more serious realistic targeted parents mode of parenting.

Feeling happy is like a drug. It makes a child feel very special – like on a high

When a targeted parent tries to reason with them they feel that this parent wants to hurt them – wants to take away their very soul – the one that feels happy. Therefore they absolutely cannot listen to the voice of the loving parent from whom they are alienated. It would mean giving up their drug.

More Tools in an Alienator’s Toolbox

Another important factor to note regarding these alienators is that they will give these children – Time. Money. Gifts. …. and lots and lots of Praise. These children will not only look up to these alienators but the aura effect of the time they spend together begins to feel spiritual – almost holy. This will create a very deep bond between the alienator and the child, that is practically impossible to break.

These alienating tactics have been know to be used by family members, therapists, and mentors. Motives are – to gain a sense of empowerment for themselves, to gain access to funds, or as a cover up of a secret.

Our children have effectively been silenced.

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